
We’re all aware of the bounty of health-boosting benefits we can get from consuming fresh, colourful and (preferably) organic fruits and vegetables on the daily. In theory, upping your intake seems easy enough – throw handfuls of kale in your next stir-fry, add an extra juicy cucumber to your salad. But, anyone who has tried to keep the crunch in capsicums past day two, knows how difficult it is to keep fresh produce, well, fresh. But, your paddock-to-plate life is about to be made more achievable thanks to Beauticate founder Sigourney’s surprising tips and tricks to keeping the vitality in your veggies, for longer.

Video by Kelsey Krieger and Shiela Calaunan

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  1. July 14, 2016

    Fantastic tips! I always throw out wilted veges and feel so guilty. Thank you 🙂

  2. July 28, 2016

    I feel like I’m constantly wasting my veggies.. Tried this tip and I was shocked how long my vegetables lasted!! You are a true lifesaver!

  3. July 29, 2016

    Always helping me with my beauty tricks and just life in general, thank you! x